lunes, 28 de enero de 2019

El Aikido de Nishio sensei

Nishio sensei mostrando su arte a mediados de los ´80.
Nishio sensei showing his art in the mid-80s.
Nishio sensei montre son art au milieu des années 80.

lunes, 21 de enero de 2019

Katadori waza - Kokyu nage

Katadori kokyu nage mostrado por diferentes maestros.
Katadori kokyu nage shown by different masters.
Katadori kokyu nage von verschiedenen Meisters gezeigt.
Katadori kokyu nage montré par différents maîtres.

lunes, 14 de enero de 2019

Uki otoshi

Uki Otoshi significa caída flotante. Se puede observar las diferencias entre Judo y Aikido, aunque el principio es el mismo.
Uki Otoshi means floating fall. You can see the differences between Judo and Aikido, although the principle is the same.

viernes, 11 de enero de 2019

El camino del guerrero

The warrior´s way

In times of crisis, an authentic education is necessary.
The best human values often arise from adversity and difficulty.
The most effective way to live is to live like a warrior.

A warrior is someone who dedicates his life to the art of peace, which is based on establishing harmony and beauty and defending life. Polish your spirit and train your body tirelessly for this sole purpose.

Throw away the thoughts that limit you and return to true emptiness.
Situate yourself in the middle of the Great Void. This is the secret of the warrior's way.

The way of the warrior has two pillars: love and knowledge. And it is based on respect, honor and sincerity.

The true warrior is invincible because he does not fight with anyone. To overcome means to defeat the idea of dispute that we harbor in our mind.
The real victory is about yourself.

A warrior is always on the threshold between life and death, can not show lack of preparation or weaknesses before an opponent.

A warrior chooses a path with heart, any path with heart, and follows it, and then rejoices and laughs.
He knows that his life will be over too soon. He knows, therefore, that nothing is more important than the rest. 
He has no choice, that is his freedom.

The quality of the warrior gives rise to natural beauty. The subtle techniques of a warrior arise as naturally as spring, summer, autumn and winter appear.
The quality of the warrior is nothing other than the vitality that sustains all life.

The ordinary man is either a winner or a loser and, depending on it, becomes a persecutor or victim. These two conditions do not exist for a warrior. His clarity of spirit dissipates the illusion of victory, defeat or suffering.

When a warrior decides to do something, he must go to the end, accepting responsibility for what he does. Whatever you do, you must first know why you do it, and then move on with your actions, without hesitation or remorse.

Each act is unique and definitive, the warrior leaves no place for fear and doubt.

When someone embarks on the path of the warrior, little by little he realizes that ordinary life has been left behind forever. The means of the ordinary world no longer serve as support and must adopt a new way of life to survive.
Every bit of knowledge that becomes power has death as a central force. 
Death gives the final touch; everything that death touches, truly becomes power.

The warrior's way leads nowhere ... except to his own being.

By M. Giacobone sensei

lunes, 7 de enero de 2019

El arte del Aikido. The art of Aikido.

Por M. Giacobone sensei

English Version at bottom
Aikido es el arte de la paz.
El arte de la paz es transformación y equilibrio.
El equilibrio aporta armonía y belleza.

"Todas las cosas, materiales y espirituales, se originan de la misma fuente y están relacionadas
como si fueran una sola familia. El pasado, presente, y futuro están todos contenidos en la
fuerza vital. El universo emergió y se desarrollo de una sola fuente, y nosotros hemos
evolucionado a través del proceso optimo de armonización y unificación." O´Sensei

Aikido es el camino que te permite unirte a la energía universal.
Aikido es el arte de la transformación.
Aikido es verdadero Budo. Es el camino de la paz, la armonía y el entendimiento entre los seres.

"Uno no necesita edificaciones, dinero, poder o status para practicar el Arte de la Paz. 
El Cielo está aquí mismo donde te encuentras parado, y ese es el lugar para entrenar." O´Sensei

El arte de la transformación funciona como una alquimia, toma lo malo y lo cambia en bueno, aporta equilibrio y armonía ahí donde hace falta. Une y pacifica.

La vida es cambio y crecimiento.

"Si nosotros dejamos de crecer, técnicamente y espiritualmente, entonces somos tan buenos como un muerto. El Arte de la paz es una celebración de la unificación del cielo, la tierra, y la humanidad. Todo esto es verdadero, bueno, y hermoso." O´Sensei

Todo en el cielo y la tierra respira. El universo respira. Unite a esta respiración y te volverás uno con el universo.
Cuando inhalas el universo entra dentro tuyo. Absórbelo, intégralo a tu ser.
Exhala lenta y profundamente, devuelve al universo esa energía y esa información, ahora transformadas.
La respiración es el hilo que amarra a toda la creación.

Aikido desarrolla y fortalece la respiración. Es Kokyu Rokyu, el poder de la respiración.
Sin respiración no es posible la vida.
Sin respiración no hay movimiento ni transformación.
Sin respiración no hay Aikido.

La armonía y el equilibrio se originan en el fluir de las cosas.
El ritmo y la belleza son la clave.

Observa a la Madre Naturaleza y reflexiona.
Aikido representa 4 cualidades de la naturaleza: Duro como el diamante, flexible como el sauce, suave y fluido como el agua, vacío como el espacio.

Las técnicas de Aikido emergen del principio del círculo.
La vida es movimiento circular.

Todos los principios del cielo y la tierra viven dentro de ti.
Eres la manifestación de 2 fuerzas opuestas y complementarias, Yin y Yang, que son la fuerzas esenciales de toda la creación.

Ocho fuerzas sostienen a la creación: Movimiento y quietud. Solidificación y fluidez.
Expansión y contracción. Unión y Separación.

Tu vida misma es la expresión de estas fuerzas.

"Crea cada día nuevamente vistiéndote con el cielo y la tierra, bañándote con sabiduría y amor, y situándote en el corazón de la Madre Naturaleza.
Siempre mantén tu mente tan brillante y clara como el vasto cielo, el gran océano, y el pico más alto, vacío de todo pensamiento. Siempre mantén tu cuerpo lleno de luz y calor. 
Llénate a ti mismo con el poder de la sabiduría y de iluminación.
Tan pronto como te inquietes con lo “bueno” y lo “malo” de tus compañeros, te creas una abertura en tu corazón para que entre la malicia. Probar, competir, y criticar a otros te debilita y te derrota."

English Version

By M. Giacobone sensei

Aikido is the art of peace.
The art of peace is transformation and balance.
Balance brings harmony and beauty.

"All things, material and spiritual, originate from the same source and are related as if they were one family. The past, present, and future are all contained in the vital force. The universe emerged and developed from a single source, and we have evolved through the optimal process of harmonization and unification." O'Sensei

Aikido is the path that allows you to join the universal energy.
Aikido is the art of transformation.
Aikido is true Budo. It is the path of peace, harmony and understanding between beings.

"You do not need buildings, money, power or status to practice the Art of Peace.
Heaven is right here where you stand, and that's the place to train." O'Sensei

The art of transformation works like an alchemy, takes the bad and changes it into good, brings balance and harmony where it is needed. Unite and pacify.

Life is change and growth.

"If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, then we are as good as dead." The Art of Peace is a celebration of the unification of heaven, earth, and humanity, all of which is true, good, and beautiful." O'Sensei

Everything in heaven and earth breathes. The universe breathes. Join this breath and you will become one with the universe.

When you inhale the universe, it enters inside you. Absorb it, integrate it with your being.
Exhale slowly and deeply, return to the universe that energy and that information, now transformed.

The breath is the thread that binds all creation.

Aikido develops and strengthens breathing. It's Kokyu Rokyu, the power of breathing.

Without breathing, life is not possible.

Without breathing, there is no movement or transformation.

Without breathing there is no Aikido.
Harmony and balance originate in the flow of things.

Rhythm and beauty are the key.

Observe Mother Nature and reflect.

Aikido represents 4 qualities of nature: Hard as diamond, flexible as willow, smooth and fluid as water, empty as space.

Aikido techniques emerge from the principle of the circle.

Life is circular movement.

All the principles of heaven and earth live within you.

You are the manifestation of  2 opposing and complementary forces, Yin and Yang, which are the essential forces of all creation.

Eight forces sustain creation: Movement and stillness. Solidification and fluidity. Expansion and contraction. Union and Separation.

Your life itself is the expression of these forces.

"Create each day again by dressing yourself with heaven and earth, bathing yourself with wisdom and love, and placing yourself in the heart of Mother Nature.
Always keep your mind as bright and clear as the vast sky, the great ocean, and the highest peak, empty of all thought. Always keep your body full of light and heat.
Fill yourself with the power of wisdom and enlightenment.
As soon as you worry about the "good" and the "bad" of your companions, you create an opening in your heart so that malice can enter. Testing, competing, and criticizing others weakens and defeats you." O'Sensei.

viernes, 4 de enero de 2019

Práctica de Aikido

Práctica cotidiana - Daily practice

Horario de verano - Summer schedule

Lunes 8 - 9.30 hs.
Martes 8 - 9.30 hs.
Miércoles 18 - 19.30 hs.
Jueves 8 - 9.30 hs.
Viernes 18 - 19.30 hs.
Sábado 8 - 9.30 hs.